Accidents involving tanker trucks can be particularly dangerous because they often involve flammable or hazardous materials. A tanker truck crash can result in fires, explosions, spills, and the release of dangerous chemicals into the environment, posing serious risks to public safety. Such crashes often involve multiple vehicles and can have devastating consequences for everyone involved.

In this post, we will explore tanker truck crashes, their causes, the potential consequences, and how to stay safe on the roads with these massive vehicles sharing the space.

Table Of Contents:

  • How an experienced tanker truck attorney can help
  • Understanding Tanker Truck Crashes

    A tanker truck crash involves a large commercial vehicle specifically designed to transport liquids or gases. These substances are often flammable, corrosive, or otherwise dangerous, making a crash much more than just a typical vehicular collision. The truck driver is entrusted with safely transporting these materials, and any mishap can have far-reaching implications.

    Causes of Tanker Truck Crashes

    Like all vehicle accidents, several factors can lead to tanker truck crashes. Some of the most common include:

    • Driver fatigue: Driving a tanker truck requires long hours on the road, making driver fatigue a serious risk factor.
    • Distracted driving: Cell phones, GPS devices, or even eating or drinking while driving can cause distractions and fatal accidents.
    • Speeding: Excessive speed, particularly on curves or in adverse weather conditions, can make it hard for a truck driver to maintain control, especially given their load and size.
    • Improper loading: If the cargo isn’t correctly distributed, a tanker truck can become unstable and more susceptible to rollovers. Even driving cautiously on curves may not help if a truck’s contents are not well-balanced.
    • Mechanical failures: Brakes, tires, steering, and engine issues are just some mechanical problems that can increase the chance of a tanker truck crash.

    Even seemingly minor issues, if overlooked, can have catastrophic results when these huge vehicles are on the road. Because tanker trucks often travel on busy interstates or highways, accidents involving them are not unusual and, unfortunately, frequently lead to serious consequences, making regular maintenance and thorough inspections imperative. The aftermath of such fatal crashes can be complex, often involving investigations by the sheriff’s office and other authorities.

    Take a recent tanker crash near the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border. According to a July 2024 report by Yahoo News, an oil tanker vehicle crashed, spilling oil and causing a section of the Everett Turnpike to be shut down for hours. Because oil had started to leak, a hazmat team was dispatched, and, ultimately, they had to offload oil from the overturned tanker truck carrying 6,500 gallons. Thankfully, nobody died in that crash, but this illustrates how volatile even minor accidents can be. Cleanup efforts can take hours and even days.

    Consequences of Tanker Truck Crashes

    The consequences of a tanker truck crash involving other vehicles can be severe: fatalities, injuries, environmental damage, and major road closures. The resulting fires can release a huge plume of black smoke into the air, visible for miles. The impact on traffic flow can be significant, with eastbound lanes often closed for an extended period.

    Think about the following:

    Consequence Description
    Fires and Explosions Tanker trucks often carry flammable liquids or gases, making fires and explosions serious risks if there is a crash. A recent tanker truck crash in Philadelphia that caught fire caused a bridge to collapse and tragically claimed the life of the truck driver. Such incidents highlight the importance of a swift response from emergency services and the potential for widespread damage.
    Spills and Contamination Accidents can lead to spills, potentially contaminating soil, water sources, and air. Cleanup from these kinds of crashes can be a lengthy and costly process, with lasting impacts on ecosystems and public health. The spilled fuel can pose a significant threat to both human and animal life.
    Injuries and Fatalities Tanker truck crashes can cause devastating injuries to truck drivers, passengers, and those in other vehicles involved. Fatalities are not uncommon in these incidents. The impact of a tanker truck, even at moderate speeds, can be devastating due to the truck’s massive size and weight. In some cases, the vehicle that crashed into the tanker truck can become wedged underneath, further complicating the situation.
    Traffic Disruptions Crashes often lead to road closures that can extend for hours or days, leading to major disruptions and economic losses. This affects not only daily commutes, but supply chains and businesses reliant on these crucial highways. Colorado’s main east-west highway, for instance, is a vital artery for commerce, and a tanker truck carrying fuel on this route can have significant economic repercussions.

    Staying Safe: Sharing the Road with Tanker Trucks

    Tanker trucks and large commercial vehicles play a big role in our daily lives and are an essential part of modern transportation infrastructure. That means we’re likely sharing the roads with them on a regular basis, whether going on a road trip, going to work, or taking the kids to school. Understanding the potential dangers and knowing how to share the road safely can be a matter of life and death.

    Tips for Safer Driving:

    • Avoid blind spots: Never linger in the blind spots of a tanker truck. If you can’t see the driver’s side mirrors, they probably can’t see you. This is particularly important when the tanker truck is carrying diesel or other potentially hazardous materials.
    • Pass with caution: Only pass a tanker truck when there’s ample space and you’re confident it’s safe to do so. Consider the truck’s size and weight, and remember that they require a longer distance to come to a complete stop.
    • Don’t tailgate: Always maintain a safe following distance, especially behind tanker trucks. These trucks take longer to stop due to their size and weight. Give them plenty of space.
    • Be alert: Pay close attention to tanker truck movements and signals, and be ready to react in case of an emergency. Being aware of your surroundings and practicing defensive driving will help you respond safely. Keep an eye out for any signs of instability in the truck, such as swaying or swerving.
    • Anticipate wide turns: Tanker trucks need a wider turning radius to maneuver safely, particularly at intersections and on/off ramps. Give them the extra room they require. Remember, these trucks are not as nimble as passenger vehicles.

    Be mindful. Being alert can reduce the chance of being in a truck crash. And remember, give yourself plenty of time when traveling to avoid rushing, a common contributor to all kinds of accidents on our roadways. The combination of truck driving risks along with rushed drivers in passenger vehicles is what causes these disasters and sometimes claims lives. In some cases, a weather alert, like a heat advisory, can also contribute to dangerous road conditions.

    How an experienced tanker truck attorney can help

    These kinds of crashes are different from your average car wreck. Tanker trucks are much bigger and heavier than other vehicles on the road. This means more damage and worse injuries when they crash.

    But that’s not all. Tanker trucks often carry dangerous materials. Think gasoline, chemicals, even milk. These substances can cause more harm if there is a spill.

    Because of all this, it’s important to have a lawyer on your side if you’ve been in a tanker truck crash. An attorney who knows this area of law can help you understand your rights. They can also fight to get you the money you deserve.

    Insurance companies will try to pay you as little as possible. They might say the accident was your fault. An experienced tanker truck crash attorney will stand up to them. They’ll work hard to get you a fair settlement.

    FAQs about Tanker Truck Crashes

    FAQ 1: Where did the tanker explode on 95?

    A significant crash did happen in Baltimore City on December 17, 2016. It involved a Carroll Fuel tanker truck and resulted in at least one fatality. If you want specific details about the incident, like a date or location, you can likely find local news coverage online. You can also check for press releases from the county sheriff’s office or state patrol.

    FAQ 2: What caused the I-70 truck crash?

    As for truck crashes on I-70, each crash is unique with its own complex set of circumstances. Causes can range from driver error to vehicle failure.


    Tanker truck crashes pose significant risks due to the flammable or hazardous materials often involved. By understanding the risks and practicing defensive driving techniques, drivers can do their part to keep our roadways safe and minimize the likelihood of being in a tanker truck crash. Remember, awareness, caution, and respect for these large vehicles are crucial for everyone’s safety.

    Understanding Your Rights After a Tanker Truck Crash

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