It feels like every time you turn on the news, there’s another report about a semi truck accident today. These incidents aren’t just local news anymore; they are making national headlines with increasing frequency, leaving many wondering, just how common are semi truck accidents, anyway? The truth is that while semi trucks are vital to our economy, they also pose a serious risk on our roadways. We will dive deeper into the details of the semi truck accident today, but let’s be clear – behind those numbers are real people – injured victims, families forever changed and grieving loved ones. It’s crucial to understand not only how often these semi truck accident today happen, but also why.

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Understanding the Risks of Semi Truck Accidents

The sheer size and weight difference between a semi truck and a standard passenger vehicle mean that any collision has the potential to be catastrophic. A fully loaded tractor-trailer can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, while the average passenger vehicle weighs around 4,000 pounds. That’s twenty times heavier.

This significant difference in weight means that the force of impact in a semi truck accident is much greater, resulting in more severe injuries and a higher likelihood of fatalities.

Common Causes of Semi Truck Accidents Today

Several factors can contribute to semi truck accidents today, some directly related to the truck driver, others due to external factors. Let’s take a closer look.

Driver Fatigue

Truck drivers often face pressure to meet tight deadlines and cover long distances. This can lead to driver fatigue, a major contributor to accidents.

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), driver fatigue is a factor in approximately 13% of all commercial truck accidents. Drowsy driving significantly slows reaction times, impairs judgment, and decreases awareness, all of which are critical for safe driving.

Distracted Driving

It’s not just texting, eating, or adjusting the radio that causes distracted driving. Truck drivers can also become distracted by things like adjusting GPS devices, managing paperwork, or even communicating with dispatch.

Impaired Driving

Just like passenger vehicle drivers, truck drivers can drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Sadly, there are truck drivers who get behind the wheel after using illegal substances or abusing prescription medications. Alcohol and drugs both severely impair judgment and slow reaction time, making a semi crash much more likely.


Truck drivers, facing tight deadlines, may exceed the speed limit to make up for lost time. This reckless behavior reduces the time a driver has to react to changing road conditions or unexpected hazards.

Improperly Loaded or Secured Cargo

A semi-truck carrying an unbalanced load, or a load that isn’t properly secured, can become unstable, especially at higher speeds or in windy conditions. Cargo that shifts during transit can cause a driver to lose control. Cargo spills also present serious dangers for nearby motorists.

Vehicle Malfunction

Semi trucks require regular maintenance due to their extensive use. Issues with the brakes, tires, or other mechanical components can increase the risk of a trucking accident claim. Unfortunately, sometimes trucking companies or drivers neglect this critical maintenance to save time or money, putting themselves and others at risk.

Road and Weather Conditions

Truck drivers must contend with challenging road conditions including rain, snow, ice, and fog – just like anyone else. However, inclement weather can be especially dangerous for semi trucks, increasing their stopping distance and making it more difficult to maintain control.

Consequences of Semi Truck Accidents

Accidents involving semi trucks often have more severe and far-reaching consequences than those involving only passenger vehicles. Let’s explore this further.

Severe Injuries

As I mentioned before, due to their immense size and weight, accidents involving semi-trucks often result in catastrophic injuries.

The force of impact in these collisions can cause life-altering injuries such as traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury, internal injuries, multiple fractures, and burns. The road to recovery for these victims is long and difficult, often involving extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and a lifetime of dealing with the physical, emotional, and financial ramifications.


Tragically, semi truck accidents today can be and are often, fatal. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reports that 3,985 people died in large truck crashes in 2020 alone, that same year, nearly 70% of those who died in large truck accidents were occupants of smaller passenger vehicles. The sheer size and weight disparity between large trucks and passenger vehicles, coupled with the forces involved, result in these crashes being more likely to result in fatalities.

Property Damage

Beyond the devastating toll on human life and well-being, semi-truck accidents frequently cause substantial property damage. It’s not uncommon for passenger vehicles involved to be completely totaled.

Traffic Delays

Semi truck accidents can shut down highways for hours. As emergency crews respond to the scene, investigate, clear debris, and remove the damaged vehicles, the resulting traffic delays and road closures impact commuters, businesses, and emergency services.

The Aftermath

If you’ve been injured in a crash involving a semi-truck, you know how overwhelming and stressful the aftermath can be. On top of the physical pain and emotional distress, there are medical bills piling up and perhaps lost wages if you are unable to work. Trying to navigate the legal system and deal with insurance companies adds yet another layer of complexity during this already challenging time.

Seek Legal Counsel From an Experienced Attorney

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident with a semi truck today, it’s important to know you don’t have to go through this alone. Contacting an attorney experienced in semi truck accidents is essential to protect your rights.


Semi truck accident today is an all-too-common occurrence with often-devastating consequences. While the trucking industry plays a crucial role in our nation’s economy, safety should always be the top priority for all those who make their living on the road. By raising awareness of the risks, promoting driver safety, and advocating for stronger safety regulations, we can hopefully create safer roads for everyone.

FAQs about semi truck accidents today

How common are semi truck rollovers?

While semi trucks only make up about 3% of the vehicles on the road, rollovers accounted for about 14% of all fatal truck crashes. Speeding, cargo loading issues, and driver errors like overcorrecting or taking turns too quickly are all contributing factors.

Are semi trucks required to have dashcams?

Currently, there is no federal law mandating the use of dashcams in semi trucks; however, more and more trucking companies are equipping their vehicles with them.

What should I do if I’m involved in a semi truck accident today?

Stay calm and, if possible, move your vehicle to a safe location. If there are any injuries, call 9-1-1 right away. It’s crucial that you contact the police to report the accident and be sure to get the truck driver’s information, the trucking company information, and insurance details. Take photos or videos of the semi truck accident today, the damage to your vehicle, and your injuries. It is in your best interest to speak to an attorney as soon as possible.

Semi Truck Accident Today: Causes, Statistics & FAQs

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