You just got into a car accident. Now what? It’s already a stressful situation. Figuring out who is going to pay for the damage to your car can feel overwhelming. That’s where a property damage attorney for car accident comes in. But before we discuss that, let’s talk about what you should be doing right after an auto accident occurs to protect yourself and your rights.

If you’ve been in a car accident, you’re probably worried about a lot of things: your physical health, who is at fault, and how you’re going to get your car fixed. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed. If your car is damaged and you need help getting it fixed, or if the other driver is trying to say the accident was your fault, you may want to consider contacting a property damage attorney for car accident to help you. They can help you understand your legal rights and fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

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What To Do After a Car Accident

Getting into a car accident is one of the scariest things that can happen to a driver. Although the details will always be different, everyone should understand the basic steps of what to do after a collision.

Assess Injuries or Medical Problems

The first thing to do when you’ve been in a car accident is to make sure everyone in your vehicle is safe and unharmed. Are you or is anyone else feeling any sort of pain? Even if your injuries seem minor, seek medical attention right away. Sometimes, the adrenaline from an accident can mask symptoms of a more serious injury.

Getting checked out by a medical professional creates an official record of your health in situations where the insurance company pays. If you later find out your car accident caused an injury, this record will be helpful for insurance claims and possibly in court. Your medical bills are important to keep track of.

Move Vehicles to a Safe Place, If Possible

If possible and it is safe to do so, move your vehicle out of traffic to a safe location, preferably off the side of the road. It’s best to make sure your vehicle is out of harm’s way. This will prevent additional accidents from occurring.

If you are unable to move your vehicle because it is unsafe or it is simply undrivable, turn on your hazard lights. This makes other drivers aware of the situation.

Call 911 to Report the Accident

Call 911 right away to report the accident to local authorities. Be sure to only speak to the police about the details of the accident. Never admit fault to anyone, even if you think the car crash might have been your damage attorney for car accident

The police will create an accident report, which will include important details. These details are things like the date, time and location. The report will also obtain information from all involved drivers, vehicle passengers and witnesses. You will likely need to provide the accident report to your insurance company to file a injury claim. Having this document can really strengthen your car accident case if you decide to pursue compensation for your damages.

Exchange Insurance Information With Other Driver

Exchange insurance and contact information with all other drivers. It’s best to take a picture of the other person’s insurance card and driver’s license. Write down the name of the insurance provider, the policy number, their license plate number, and the year, make, and model of the car as well. Be courteous during this exchange and do your best to keep your cool.

Don’t discuss details of the car accident at this time. Again, do not admit fault. Let the authorities sort that out. Remember to take detailed notes of your experience, including your version of what happened. It can even be helpful to use your phone’s voice memo app. You can also use another recording device to talk through the experience while it’s fresh in your mind. Record snippets of conversation while information is being exchanged. This serves as an additional record should you need to recall the details later.

Document the Car Accident Scene

Take as many pictures and videos as possible of the scene. In addition to getting wide shots of all the vehicles involved to clearly show their position and any damage sustained to them, make sure you also zoom in to take pictures of the damage, skid marks on the road, broken glass, debris, traffic signs and signals, and even notes about the weather or lighting at the time. Pictures will be helpful to your insurance company. If you choose to pursue compensation in court for your damaged property, pictures are extremely helpful.

Don’t underestimate the importance of good quality documentation. It really is worth saying it again. Take pictures of EVERYTHING, from every possible angle.

File a Car Insurance Claim

Report the accident to your insurance company immediately, and provide them with all of the details of the accident and how to contact the other party (or parties) involved. Keep in mind that in most states, drivers must carry a minimum of $10,000 in liability for property damage, but this amount can vary so be sure you familiarize yourself with your state’s minimum insurance requirements.

When to Contact a Property Damage Attorney for a Car Accident

Many times, a car accident is relatively minor and you can resolve it amicably through your own insurance company. However, sometimes it’s beneficial to hire a property damage attorney for a car accident, such as in the following situations:

Your Insurance Company Won’t Pay

One of the biggest challenges you might run into when trying to get reimbursed for your property damage is a disagreement or dispute with the insurance company. Sometimes this is a legitimate misunderstanding over policy terms, however there are also predatory insurance companies that make it extremely difficult to get what you are rightfully owed, lowballing their offers or denying the claim entirely.

For example, the insurance adjuster may offer an amount that’s way too low. They may deny a claim altogether that you believe is valid, like if your car is deemed a “total loss” and the settlement they are offering you is far less than what you’d need to replace it. An accident attorney can be extremely helpful when negotiating with the insurance company, helping you secure a more favorable settlement.

Insurance companies take an adversarial approach to the claim process, even for situations that appear to be straightforward. Be wary. They may dispute the extent of the damage to your vehicle or challenge the fair market value of your car if they’ve declared it a total loss.

The Accident Was Not Your Fault

There are certainly situations when it’s incredibly obvious whose fault the accident is. But what happens when multiple cars and drivers are involved? What if fault is disputed among those involved in the accident? Maybe the other driver left the scene without exchanging information? Dealing with these scenarios is often much easier with a professional in your corner.

Hiring a property damage attorney for a car accident to handle the details can be crucial in situations where you were not at fault. They’ll fight to get your car repaired. A lawyer will also help recoup your deductible if you’ve had to pay it out of pocket, get you a rental car and just generally work hard to protect your best interests.

Your Case Involves Significant Property Damage

Unfortunately, things don’t always go according to plan and car accidents happen. Sometimes they cause significant property damage. You should consult a car accident lawyer familiar with personal injury cases right away, especially when more serious auto accidents happen. If you’ve sustained substantial property damage, say to your vehicle or other personal property inside it at the time, like expensive electronics or equipment, working with an attorney can greatly increase your chances of getting the maximum reimbursement.

What Happens When You Hire a Property Damage Attorney for a Car Accident

Once you’ve made the decision to work with an attorney, it’s time to determine how that is going to go for you.

Case Evaluation

Most attorneys working in this space will offer a free case evaluation. During the consultation, the property damage attorney will want to get information about you. This will include the details of your accident, the extent of your damages, the insurance companies involved (including yours.), and even police reports.

If you’ve been documenting the entire process, you should provide this to them. This includes saving all documentation and receipts related to the accident, medical treatment, even mileage logs to and from the doctor, pharmacy, or repair shops. Make sure to bring this documentation with you in an organized fashion. If you have the option of hiring legal representation to help, you might as well make it as easy as possible for them to review.

Filing a Property Damage Claim

An experienced personal injury lawyer will be very familiar with how to best file your claim. Filing property damage claims requires specific steps to ensure a positive outcome. If the at-fault party’s auto insurance company contacts you directly, politely let them know that you’re already represented by an attorney, and direct them to deal with them going forward.

Negotiate With Insurance Adjusters

Hiring an attorney is a good way to avoid directly dealing with an insurance adjuster, regardless of whether it’s your own insurance company or the at-fault party. Car accident lawyers deal with insurance companies and adjusters day in and day out. They have mastered the negotiation skills required to secure the compensation you deserve. This will free you up to focus on other things in your life, such as recovering from your injuries (if you have any).

It will also prevent you from potentially getting taken advantage of. That could look like a lowball offer, an unfair settlement, or dragging out the process to dissuade you from getting what you are owed. If your driver’s insurance company pays, they are looking out for their bottom line, not yours. An experienced attorney can help make sure you’re treated fairly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about property damage attorney for car accident

What Information Do I Need to Provide a Property Damage Attorney For a Car Accident?

In general, it’s best to save anything and everything related to the accident. This includes documentation such as the other driver’s insurance information, any photos and videos you took, copies of medical records, copies of the police report, and repair estimates you’ve gotten. Basically, anything that helps give an accurate, honest assessment of the entire experience should be brought to the attorney’s attention during the case evaluation.

Do I Have a Case If I Was Partially At Fault in the Car Accident?

The laws for determining fault in a car accident vary from state to state. It’s best to consult with an experienced property damage attorney. Even if you are partially at fault, you may still have options to recoup some money to cover your damages. It’s definitely worth finding out what they are. Many attorneys also work on a contingency basis for this type of law. This means you pay them nothing upfront and they are only paid a pre-determined percentage once they’ve won your case and you get paid.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Property Damage Attorney for a Car Accident?

This depends on the state where you reside and the law firm’s fee structure. For example, a flat fee vs. hourly vs. contingency, and even the lawyer’s level of experience, and the specifics of your case will all factor into the cost. Be sure to discuss these factors during your consultation.

In cases where they work on contingency, some states have a cap on the maximum percentage the attorney can collect should they be successful in winning your case. In other situations, you will discuss this during the evaluation and the amount they earn will be outlined as part of their client agreement which you will sign should you choose to hire them.

When Should I Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident?

If it seems like a simple matter and you feel confident working directly with your insurance company to handle it, you may choose to forgo hiring an attorney. On the other hand, if the accident resulted in substantial damages to you or your vehicle, you were injured, or the other party is disputing fault or is uninsured, strongly consider seeking out an experienced property damage attorney.


You’ve likely had to manage a lot if you’ve been involved in a car accident, whether it’s dealing with insurance adjusters, medical appointments, or physical therapy for injuries sustained. By hiring a property damage attorney for car accident to handle the legal process, it frees you up to concentrate on your recovery. Working with a reputable, knowledgeable, and trustworthy property damage attorney for a car accident provides invaluable guidance and protection so that you are treated fairly. If you feel you could benefit from experienced advice to navigate these murky waters and come out on top, contacting a property damage attorney for a car accident for a consultation is the best course of action to see what options may be available to you.

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