Imagine this: You’re driving down the road, maybe running errands or heading home after a long day. Suddenly, everything changes in a terrifying instant as you’re hit by a truck. The impact is enough to make anyone feel like their world just got flipped upside down – because it did. Being hit by a truck can cause significant injuries and emotional trauma, and navigating the aftermath can be overwhelming. This, unfortunately, is the reality for many victims who need to seek legal support to secure fair compensation.

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What Happens After Getting Hit By a Truck?

Truck accidents, with their sheer size and weight difference compared to passenger vehicles, are a different beast entirely. The aftermath is often far more devastating, resulting in severe injuries, significant property damage, and lasting emotional distress.

This makes seeking the counsel of experienced truck accident attorneys essential to help individuals navigate this challenging situation. They will also help you understand your rights under the law.

Why Are Truck Accidents So Severe?

According to statistics, truck accidents are a growing concern on our roads. Policy Advice states that a startling 52 percent increase in trucking accidents has occurred since 2009. Several factors contribute to their severity.

  • Size and Weight Disparity: Large trucks, such as tractor-trailers, can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, dwarfing passenger vehicles. The impact during a collision is significantly greater, resulting in more force and damage.
  • Driver Fatigue: The trucking industry often faces pressure to meet deadlines. Unfortunately, this results in driver fatigue. Weary truck drivers are at a higher risk of making mistakes, such as delayed reaction times or falling asleep at the wheel, significantly increasing accident probability.
  • hit by a truckBlind Spots: Trucks have much larger blind spots than regular cars. These blind spots, often called “No Zones,” are areas around the truck where the driver’s visibility is limited. Drivers of smaller vehicles may find themselves in one of these blind spots without realizing it, increasing the risk of a collision if the truck driver makes a lane change or turn.

The impact of truck accidents goes beyond physical injury. Many victims also suffer from emotional distress. The trauma of the accident, the financial burden of medical bills and lost wages, and the uncertainty of the future all take their toll.

What to Do if You’re Hit By a Truck

Being in an accident involving a commercial truck is a stressful experience, especially if you or a loved one were hurt. This situation often involves a complex web of insurance companies, trucking regulations, and legal proceedings. It may feel daunting to handle this alone.

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Even if you feel fine, see a doctor. Some injuries, especially internal ones, don’t show immediate symptoms. This also helps create a documented medical record of the truck crashes, which can be essential for any potential insurance claims or legal action later.
  2. Report the Accident: Contact the police immediately and get a copy of the accident report. This official documentation of the truck crash includes important information. This includes information like the time, date, location, involved parties, and a brief description of the event from the responding officer’s perspective.
  3. Document Everything: Gather as much evidence as possible at the accident scene. Take photos of the damage, get contact information from witnesses, and note any relevant details that you might forget later.
  4. Contact a Truck Accident Lawyer: Truck accident cases differ greatly from typical car accident cases. This is due to the involvement of federal trucking regulations, commercial driver’s license (CDL) requirements, and potentially multiple liable parties beyond the truck driver. These parties could include the trucking company, cargo loaders, or even vehicle maintenance contractors. A skilled truck accident attorney who understands the complexities of such cases can effectively investigate the accident, build a compelling case, and fight for your right to fair compensation.

The legal world surrounding trucking accidents is full of complexities most people don’t think about. Trucking companies and their insurers have teams of truck accident lawyers whose sole focus is to minimize payouts.

Without proper legal representation, victims risk being pressured into accepting lowball settlements that barely scratch the surface of their losses. An attorney specializing in this area knows how to counter their tactics. They will negotiate forcefully and tirelessly advocate for your right to recover damages such as:

  • Medical expenses (past and future)
  • Lost income (past and future)
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Emotional distress

Remember that after an accident like this, you’re not alone. A qualified lawyer guides you through the legal maze and will deal with insurance adjusters so you can focus on healing.

Let’s look at an example. Remember the tragic hit-and-run in Montgomery County, Maryland in 2024? A man was hit and killed by a driver in a pickup truck, who then fled. Thankfully, because of the detailed description from witnesses, the police were later able to identify and apprehend the suspect.

That driver, who may not have faced any consequences, is now being held accountable for their actions. You can read the full story here via WTOP. It underscores a chilling reality: pedestrians are incredibly vulnerable in these situations.

Even a minor mistake by a driver can lead to life-altering injuries or fatalities. Hit-and-run incidents unfortunately happen all too often. The AAA reported that, nationwide, these tragedies have sadly reached an “all-time high.” The most recent data, released in April 2018, revealed that 2016 marked a historical high.

FAQs about hit by a truck

What would happen if you get hit by a truck?

Getting hit by a truck often leads to serious personal injury due to its sheer size. Common injuries include broken bones, spinal cord damage, traumatic brain injury, internal injuries, and even death. Always prioritize immediate medical attention and legal help for deserved compensation.

What to do if you get hit by a truck in your car?

It’s crucial to check for injuries first, ensuring your safety and that of any passengers. Then, move to a safe location, away from traffic, if possible, before contacting emergency services and the police. Document the accident scene and your injuries as thoroughly as possible.

Do not admit fault or sign anything without consulting a lawyer. Gather evidence like photos and contact information of any witnesses to help build a case for your insurance claim. Seek immediate medical attention after the accident, even if you don’t feel seriously hurt, and always prioritize your well-being. This is crucial, even if you initially think you’ve escaped serious harm.


Being hit by a truck, even indirectly through the actions of a negligent truck driver, can be a life-altering event. If you or someone you love has endured the traumatic experience of a truck accident, seek legal representation as soon as possible. Time is of the essence.

An experienced attorney can help level the playing field against powerful trucking companies. Most importantly, you deserve justice and fair compensation after the life-changing ordeal of being hit by a truck.

Hit by a Truck? What Happens Next & Your Legal Options

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